The Eur-Asian Border Lab has both online and offline activities. The website is the key basis for online engagement aimed to catalyse new ideas on borders and bordering that traverse regions. It features regular interventions by the project’s team members, blog posts from scholars, and resources and tools to widen border thinking in and through academia, art and policy. The website also disseminates news and information about the Lab’s activities and other border studies-related events.

The Eur-Asian Border Lab holds offline events for engagement with scholars and policy-makers. An international symposium at Tallinn University on January 18—20, 2024 was one of our key events. We also plan to support the publication of articles in academic journals and books about border studies, including those for a special journal issue that explores innovative conceptual ideas about bordering. The Lab’s researchers meet regularly and host visiting scholars at the three universities. At Tallinn University, the CLUster on Bordering (CLUB), a study group discussing new research on bordering, will hold regular meetings and host visiting students and scholars.

The project team will conduct a summer school in Bishkek in collaboration with the American University of Central Asia. Supporting early career researchers is a priority of the project: they are encouraged to join senior staff members in teaching and researching borders and present their papers at designated conference panels. The Eur-Asian Border Lab is also open to proposals for joint pilot research, academic seminars and grant applications relevant to the key conceptualization of the project and the research conducted by the core team members.