Photo by Jakob Owens
Some films and audio-visual projects related to borders and bordering.
Neighbourhood Behind the Bushes
Space of Refuge / Capital of Mae La (former name) Premiered at Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam in 2019, shortlisted for ชมรมวิจารณ์บันเทิง ครั้งที่ 28 ประจำปี 2562
Char… The No-Man’s Island by Sourav Sarangi |
In this world by Michael Winterbottom |
Rose Island by Sydney Sibilia |
Yuma by Piotr Mularuk |
- Films produced by The Arctic University of Norway as part of the EUBORDERSCAPES project: https://en.uit.no/prosjekter/prosjektsub?p_document_id=344773&sub_id=449596
- Passager by Arjang Omrani: https://eae.panteion.gr/en/oles-oi-draseis-ekdiloseis-ic/44-the-passager-2018
- Refugee republic: https://refugeerepublic.submarinechannel.com/