Andreas Stoiber earned his B.A. in Social and Cultural Anthropology and Philosophy at the Ludwig-Maximilian Universität München. He completed two Master´s Degrees, one in “Sociology & Global Change” at the University of Edinburgh and one in “Cultural and Social Anthropology” at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). He participated as Beyond Fellow at the “AI4EO Future Lab” of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and as member of the Institute for Advanced Studies at the UvA. He presented his preliminary research results at the “Anthropology of Technology” Conference at the Aarhus University, the Anthropology of Confinement Network meeting/workshop and the “Volumetric City Playshop”, both at the University of Amsterdam.
His current research project is an ethnographic exploration of the work of the Regensburg-based NGO Space-Eye and its associates. Space-Eye´s goal of combining artificial intelligence and satellite images to support civil sea-rescue missions. This situates their agency at the interface of scientific knowledge production and humanitarian action. He therefore utilisies concepts and approaches from the anthropology of technology and infrastructures, the anthropology of borders, legal and political anthropology, and Science and Technology Studies.