Sebastian Carlotti works on visa policies, specifically on the issue of temporary labour mobility, and the implementation of legal migration channels between Europe and West Africa. Currently he is pursuing a joint-PhD research project at the University of Pisa and the University of Amsterdam in the Transnational Configurations, Conflict and Governance (TCCG) programme group. Employing a mixed methods approach, his research aims to understand the transformation of European border selection procedures in the visa application process.
Framed by the concepts of temporariness and restrictiveness, his research intends to contribute on temporary legal mobility viewed as a mean to selectively control access to the European labour market. In the context of the externalization of the European border regime, this work also looks at the increasing role of privatisation in border and visa services, as well as on the implementation of migration partnerships that pursue to establish new forms of temporary circular migration schemes. Sebastian holds a MSc degree obtained at SOAS, University of London, by writing a dissertation on the history and development of European border externalization in the West African region.