On 4th April, Reaalkool’s Teaduspäev (Research Day), as Tallinn University’s Early Career Researcher at Eur-Asia Border Lab, Iverson Ng delivered two presentations on Sino-Hong Kong borders to the 9th graders and 12th graders respectively. In particular, he gave a brief overview on Hong Kong’s territorial, institutional and socio-cultural borders with China. To add context in his presentations, he exemplified the significance of Sino-Hong Kong borders in terms of Hong Kong’s colonial history, major social movements as well as political development on the ground.
Relevant reactions and policy changes from the Estonian government following the Chinese-imposed extraterritorial National Security Law in Hong Kong have also been mentioned to engage with the Estonian audience. The presentations were well received by the students with a number of critical questions regarding the differences between Hongkongers and Chinese.
You can view his full presentation here: