Tarmo Pikner, a human geographer, is a senior researcher at the Centre of Landscape and Culture, School of Humanities, Tallinn University. He completed his doctoral degree at the University of Oulu by analysing hybrid networks related to border-towns in the Baltic Sea region. Tarmo’s current research focuses mainly on two broader themes. One is the dynamics of urbanity, and how it forms relations between nature, culture and technology. The political ecologies and role of wastelands in these dynamics is a particular focus.
The other theme explores assemblages of significant environmental change that connect heritage and Anthropocene appearances. It includes the conceptualisations of borders in understanding contested spatialisation of rural and marine areas in energy and climate crisis. Tarmo has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals and books, and contributed to international research projects. He also teaches courses and supervises students in the MA programme on Urban Governance at Tallinn University.